Handcrafted replica of the areola - nipple complex
Discover this innovative prosthetic tecnique, and learn how to perform it yourself!
Xtrude Course
28-29 October 2021 Rome
Discover this innovative prosthetic technique, learn how to perform it yourself, return a smile to your customers!
What is Xtrude
Xtrude is the best aesthetic solutionfor women who have lost their nipples in the fight against breast cancer.
100% handmade external prostheses of the areola / nipple complex, customised and hyper realistic, identical to the real thing, which can be autonomously fixed to the breast with the help of a new and special biocompatible rubber with high sealing.

Why become an Xtrude operator
How do the XTRUDE prostheses work
Once applied, a prosthesis can safely remain fixed on the breast for over a week without having to remove it overnight, under the shower or at the beach, or in any other that daily life entails.
After about seven / ten days it is possible to remove it with a special product, cleanse the underlying area and re-fix the prosthesis on the same point. All while respecting the skin and without causing irritations, as all the products used by the xtrude method are absolutely biocompatible and non-toxic.

Contattact us
Xtrude Nipple Prosthesis Catalog

Ennio Orsini's book on the Xtrude project
Like a flower that blooms again
Ennio Orsini tells how he came to create a customized and detailed handcrafted procedure to create silicone prostheses that reconstruct a part as characteristic of femininity as the nipple, which is unfortunately to the fight against breast cancer following mastectomy.
The Xtrudemethod is a tailor-made, perfect and painless aesthetic solution and is the result of years of study and research.
"Like a flower that blooms again" is a wish, a strong and decisive desire, which metaphorically expresses this rebirth and which through a future projection, with grace and poetry, wishes to instill hope in all those women who have had to sacrifice an important part of themselves and be safe from the disease.
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